The Action proposes 6 WGs. Four of them will be involved in the development of a personalized management of patients with BTC, prevention, early diagnosis,treatment, and support, while two horizontal WGs will provide crosssectional activities that are relevant to the goals of WG1 to WG4. Precision-BTC-Network Action will build on a multi-directional collaboration across all WGs which will be facilitated through periodical (six-monthly) individual WG meetings and annual general meetings for the planning of inter-groups initiatives. In addition, members of the Action will be encouraged to participate in more than one WG to boost intergroup activities. New collaborations outside the Action will be explored, if deemed necessary.
Identification of epidemiological heterogeneity in Europe to apply precision prevention
Personalised early detection of BTC
Personalisation of treatment for patients with BTC
Patient-centric support management
Artificial intelligence
Drug development using preclinical models